Director: Abdul Baba Mohammed
The functions of the Allocation Department include:
- Ensure that resources are distributed among the beneficiaries of the Federation Account in accordance with Constitutional provisions and uphold the interpretations by the Supreme Court on areas requiring such clarification.
- Provide the technical and professional support in the determination of Vertical Revenue Allocation Formula for the sharing of revenue from the Federation Account.
- Generate indices and proxies for disbursements of revenue from the Federation Account in respect of the Horizontal Formula.
- Prepare the various Committees work plan.
- Prepare the various Committees annual reports.
- Compute indices for disbursement of 13% derivation funds.
- Attends on behalf of the Commission, the meeting of the Federation Account Allocation Committee (FAAC).
- Monitor actual disbursements to ensure correct application of the indices and approved Revenue Allocation Formula.
- Represent the Commission at the Office of the Accountant General of the Federation (OAGF) reconciliation meeting.
- Collates and update data as well as other factors for the purpose of sharing revenue amongst the beneficiaries.
- Prepare a new Revenue Allocation Formula for the country to ensure conformity with changing realities.
- Closely monitor trends and other issues relating to the Revenue Allocation system in Nigeria and other places and advise the Commission.
- Provide technical and secretariat support for the Post Mortem Sub-Committee of FAAC.
- Prepare Departmental annual report and submission of same to the Planning, Research and Statistics Department on or before end of first quarter of the following year.
- Provide administrative, technical and professional support to the Indices & Disbursement Committee (I&DC), Federation Account Committee (FAC) and Revenue Allocation Formula Committee (RAFC).
- Carry out any other assignment as may be directed by the Chairman or the Commission.