Director: Adefusi Paul Taiwo

This Department is domiciled in the Office of the Secretary to the Commission and has the following as its functions:

  1. Perform Ad-hoc duties that may arise from time to time.
  2. Perform liaison services for the Commission with the National Assembly and other relevant organizations.
  3. Assist the Secretary to the Commission to provide line supervision.
  4. Execute assigned project(s) for the Secretary to the Commission.
  5. Assist the Secretary to the Commission as required, to formulate and articulate his leadership agenda for the Commission.
  6. Provide support in times of leadership transition in the Commission.
  7. Provide Secretariat services to high-level meetings of the Secretary to the Commission.
  8. Help the Secretary to the Commission manage his schedule to ensure that his activities follow espoused priorities.
  9. Co-ordinate the Secretary’s response to emergencies.
  10. Represent the Secretary to the Commission at certain functions.
  11. Identify and collaborate with local and foreign donor agencies in order to enhance inter-relation with the Commission.
  12. Attend to all requests for information in line with the provisions of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act.
  13. Prepare Departmental annual report and submission of same to the Planning, Research and Statistics Department on or before end of first quarter of the following year.
  14. Provide the administrative, technical and professional support to the National Assembly Liaison Committee (NALC) & Business and Rules Committee (B&RC) through the Office of the Secretary to the Commission.
  15. Carrying out any other functions assigned by the Chairman or the Secretary to the Commission.