Director: Adefusi Paul Taiwo
This Department is domiciled in the Office of the Secretary to the Commission and has the following as its functions:
- Perform Ad-hoc duties that may arise from time to time.
- Perform liaison services for the Commission with the National Assembly and other relevant organizations.
- Assist the Secretary to the Commission to provide line supervision.
- Execute assigned project(s) for the Secretary to the Commission.
- Assist the Secretary to the Commission as required, to formulate and articulate his leadership agenda for the Commission.
- Provide support in times of leadership transition in the Commission.
- Provide Secretariat services to high-level meetings of the Secretary to the Commission.
- Help the Secretary to the Commission manage his schedule to ensure that his activities follow espoused priorities.
- Co-ordinate the Secretary’s response to emergencies.
- Represent the Secretary to the Commission at certain functions.
- Identify and collaborate with local and foreign donor agencies in order to enhance inter-relation with the Commission.
- Attend to all requests for information in line with the provisions of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act.
- Prepare Departmental annual report and submission of same to the Planning, Research and Statistics Department on or before end of first quarter of the following year.
- Provide the administrative, technical and professional support to the National Assembly Liaison Committee (NALC) & Business and Rules Committee (B&RC) through the Office of the Secretary to the Commission.
- Carrying out any other functions assigned by the Chairman or the Secretary to the Commission.